Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Rose and Peekaboo

Here's Rose from Rose is Rose (Pat Brady). Rose is a sweet gal, devoted to her family but often imagines herself as Vicki, her biker chick alter ego. These were drawn are from Running On Alter Ago.

I'm want big cheeks (the face kind) for my character, so Rose is good practice. I found her hair a little difficult, what with all those angles and 'swoops'.

Here is Rose's cat Peekaboo:

The fur, like Rose's hair, gave me fits.

Oh, a word on the scans; the previous posts were scanned at 150 dpi, then resized to 72 dpi. The scans in this post were done at 300 dpi and not resized. When I tried to go to 72, I lost a lot of detail and created jagged lines. So this is an experiment. The images will take longer to load. If loading takes too long or come out badly, please let me know; I can go back to the 150 scan and 72 resize.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

not bad