Sunday, August 10, 2008

Pete Emslie-ish Sketches

If you look on the left side of the page, I have a few 'Luminaries' listed. These are artists whose art and/or career inspires me. I like everything about Emslie's style. He has a nice blog that is updated regularly. I only wish he would sell some of his art and sketches in book form.

I'll provide a link to my references because I haven't asked for permission to re post here. My drawing didn't end up looking like his, but I don't think that was the point. I want to incorporate his style in my drawing, not copy it.

Native Girl
Source Image

My face ended up looking much longer, but I kept with it anyway.


Sketches from "How to Draw Cartoons for Comic Strips"

Sketches from another book by Christopher Hart, How to Draw Cartoons for Comic Strips.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Post Comic Con 2008 Work

It's been a very long time since I've posted. I slacked off, set aside drawing for a while... next thing I knew, 6 months had passed without drawing! Then Elaine and I went to Comic Con 2008, and I was re-inspired! This is what I want to spend the next part of my life doing.

These are quick drawings of Rider and Slappy, our monkeys we took along with us to Comic Con. Yes, I am aware that Elaine and I are the only ones who believe they are real, but I figure that's everyone else's problem and not ours (we believe in 'live and let live').

I drew until I felt I had the essence of their personalities, so there isn't much in the way of finishing details. These drawings were done with my new Bic 'Re-Action' mechanical pencils. I like this pencil because it has a springiness that prevents the lead from snapping off as much and gradually darkens a line when you bare down instead of just getting immediately darker.

I like mechanical pencils in the first place because sharpening annoys me; if I sharpen a pencil, then draw a line, it isn't sharp anymore so I have to sharpen it again. Yes, I know by definition that this is 'anal;' that description suits me in many areas. Anyway, I found these new Bic pencils at Walgreens, but only in 0.5mm. I would like 0.7mm and 0.9mm, but apparently at this point (no pun intended) Bic just makes the 0.5mm. Oh, and the size is written on the pencil, which is always a plus. I just wish I had a way to identify the hardness better (I have B, 2B, and HB leads); I stick labels on now, but they eventually lift off and just looks sloppy.