Thursday, February 14, 2008

The Tourist, The Waitress, and a Panel

It's been a while since I've drawn. I kinda got distracted because my wife and I got new iMac computers! Ohmygosh are they nice! So easy to use and beautiful graphics. Ok, I could do a whole blog entry about our iMacs (they're FUN-O too!), but let me get to the drawings.

Both of these were done working out of The Big Book of Cartooning by Bruce Blitz. My intent is to work on more complete drawing rather than just faces and features.

From the section in the book called 'Clothes Make the Person.'

And the I thought, okay, why not try a whole panel. This is from 'Backgrounds';

When I looked at the drawing and decided to try it, it didn't look that difficult. I soon realized how much there was in the panel! Now I didn't do any measuring, so yes the perspectives and proportions are off. I was just trying to get the 'feel' for drawing a complete panel. Overall, it took about an hour to do.

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